(This page will be updated as more information becomes available)



Loopy Ladies:
Nicky Chrascina (Capt) & Anne Kelly
Langport Lads:
John Howard (Capt), Shaun Howells, Kyle Oliver & Dave Westerman
Chairmans Chosen Few:
Steve Small (Capt), Dave Waller, David Oliver & Sam Landrigan
Team Rocks:
Roxane Pratt (Capt), Nick Pratt, ????? & Bill Farmer
4 Men and a Little Lady:
Grahame Turner (Capt), Hazel Shears, Pete Jones, Adam Musk, Pete Porter



The club committee decided that each runner taking part would get a £10 subsidy to their entry price.

Apart from the Loopy Ladies and Langport Lads, the members of the other teams are to pay Nicky Chrascina directly the following amounts:

4 Men and a Little Lady:  £42 each (already discounted price)

Chairmans Chosen Few & Team Rocks: £55 each (already discounted price)

Nicky will receive the £10 subsidy from the club treasurer for each of the above runners and pay 100 Mile Run Ltd. in one fell swoop for the above three teams.

The other two teams have already paid (as of 3rd April), however their members will get a small refund since Nicky (thanks to Bill Farmer) has negoiated a small discount off the prices shown on the event website. They will be contacted directly by their team captains and refunded. However they  will not get this discount until all other teams have paid up, since the discount was on the basis that we entered so many runners. Capeesh? !